Friday, June 15, 2007

Warren on 6/15 (Win 7-6)

Really nice win tonight and a great way to start the season. The boys hung in there, never quit and rallied from a 6-0 deficit scoring 7 runs in the bottom of the 4th on their way to a 7-6 win against a strong Warren team.

Hopper's 3 run home run capped a heavy 4th inning offensive outburst and proved to be the game winning hit. Boots (2) , Brett, Eric, Ethan, Hopper, Nick and Vin each had hits in the 7-run 4th.

Overall the defense was pretty solid ... Ethan made a key catch in right on a very hard hit ball that might have otherwise been a home run and Chris V made a strong throw from right to 2nd to hold a Warren runner to a single. Vin (2), Boots (2) and Chris R (2) contributed solid pitching, collecting 11 strikeouts.

Next up, Long Hill on Monday, 6/18 -- we're home on Gumbert #1 (blue uniforms).


Anonymous said...

It was great to see the boys rally. If that was any indication of how the season will be, we're in for a very exciting 6 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures today 6/20 - grandson plays on the team and don't get there too often, so this site it GREAT, helps me to keep up and also see the team.......keep up the good work. Everyone's Grandma.....

Joe R said...

really glad to hear that you like it. we'll continue to update this as the season progresses -- please return often.