Monday, June 18, 2007

Fan Injury Update after Long Hill Game

Danielle R, who was injured after taking a break from the exciting Long Hill action to play on the new playground equipment, is now resting comfortably at home...12 stitches later. She was a trooper and did not shed even a single tear during the repair "operation". She'll be back in action for the Madison game.

A big thanks to Sandy Boutsikaris, Catherine Varakian and everyone who helped her after her fall and expressed concern for her.


Anonymous said...

How come no one called Aunt Amy ?!@#

sparkey said...

A big hug and a kiss from Grammy and Pop-Pop. You are such a brave little girl with a beautiful smile. Hope you are feeling better! We love you sooooo much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Danielle,
So happy to hear you are doing fine. You are one brave little girl.
Uncle Carl would have been a
MESS if it happened to him.
We are very proud of you!
Love, Uncle cArl, Auntie and Tie